Monday 23 February 2009


Prostitutes are viewed negatively by the majority of society, however, after much thought I began to see things from an altered perspective. If within a controlled and safe environment such as Amsterdam, can prostitution be seen as a justified business transaction? Prostitutes simply surrender their body for sex to receive cash in return, are they merely serving a purpose? If men are able to go out and pay for sex does that mean prostitution can help decrease the risk of innocent women being raped?

If a woman willingly accepts drinks from a man who clearly shows an attraction for her on a night out, but then fails to succumb to his sexual needs, should she be viewed in the same light as a prostitute or is she worse? Surely women guilty of leading men along are increasing their chances of being raped or physically assaulted? Some may argue that as the man has spent money on the woman, he has earned the right to sleep with her. I personally don’t agree, however, I do believe woman need to be cautious when accepting drinks off men, and think, is it really just a friendly chat their after?

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I really liked this post!! It made me think about a lot of things. I did disagree with you on some stuff though, and I posted a response in my blog ( Just thought I’d let you know.

    Have a nice day!
