Wednesday 8 April 2009

Illegal Download

Letters are now being sent from police warning those guilty of downloading music illegally. If the act is continued after receiving the warning a fine will be given. After considering how effortless creating a CD can be and how little blank discs cost I began to question who the actual criminal was. Record companies are making huge profits through selling their music at ridiculously high prices, surely if CD prices were lowered dramatically less people would be tempted to download illegally.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,

    You've made a really valid point here. I also think CDs are really over-priced and in the current economic climate who can afford the luxury of a £10-£15 CD when they want to enjoy some music in their leisure time? It is too easy to download free music so surely the sites where the music can be downloaded for free should be targeted rather than the individuals who are making the most of it in this nothing-comes-for-free world.

    And what's with the warning at the beginning of DVDs, "you wouldn't steal a car... you wouldn't steal a handbag... Piracy is a crime!!" Er, how has this comparison even been made?! I think stealing a bag or a car is a bit different to watching a pirate DVD.
